September 25, 2011

Green Tree Apple Chips

There’s a saying that An Apple a Day keeps the doctor away.   This is definitely true. Apples are low in calories, it does not contain saturated fats or cholesterol and very rich in fiber. No wonder this is on top list of people on diet.

Saw this Apple chips from supermarket. 
Green Tree Apple Chips
I bought one out of curiosity. At the back label the apple nutrients are presented by Green Tree.

I really don’t know how the apples will look like inside this bag. Does this look like banana chips? Are they crunchy? Does it really taste like fresh apples as claimed by its manufacturer? Let’s see.

It really tastes like apple, the sourness was definitely there. The chips are not crunchy though, they are soft but a bit rubbery for me.  

The 43 Pesos worth of chips is equivalent to two small apples. Definitely, I will still go for the fresh one. Still, this is far healthier than those junk foods available in the supermarket.


  1. love it sis!!!
    apples... green or red one are definitely my kids favorite, and more it become a chips my two sweet angels will really love it.
    I can't wait to buy one and try a taste with my little ones.

  2. Don't worry I'll make sure that Janine and Janna will get one :)

  3. where did you buy it?

  4. Got this from Robinson's Galleria :)
